In today’s common urban and social life, the hectic routine has become the only way of living. If someone tries to live a life without running, then he remains below the poverty line. In such a situation, his family is compelled to live a hundred percent dastardly life, at the same time his children can neither get a good education nor can he give good food to his children. In such a situation, if he can give something to his family and children, then it is mental illnesses along with physical ailments.
A common family can get their children’s physical ailments treated in some way. Because such diseases are visible directly, whose treatment is easily possible anywhere. However, there are also some mental illnesses that are neither visible nor have any initial symptoms. Although, nowadays awareness is being spread about mental illnesses too, but they are not up to the level which can be easily understood by a common and ordinary person or family in India.
Here through this article, I am trying to mention some such specific diseases that not only my own son is going through but have also seen many other families where there are such children, but, sadly, It is also seen that some families are either ignoring those diseases of their children or hiding them from the society. However, I am not going to do anything like that here. I want you to know about the side effects of these diseases of my son, his problems and his daily routine, so I have created a channel on YouTube by the same name (Kartik Chauhan VLOG), (See the link of YouTube channel) where I can tell him when I get time. I try to put some such videos from which other people can also get some information, learn and teach something new to their children or be alert before some such dangers coming.
At present, I am not able to earn any money from Kartik Chauhan VLOG but, in future if it is possible, I will try to spend all my time on YouTube through Kartik Chauhan VLOG, so that I can make excuses for this. By staying with Kartikey all the time, I can get time and opportunity to take care of him and get him treated once again. Because doctors say that Kartikeya’s mental illness is not of such a level that he cannot be cured. If given time to him, he may start behaving like an ordinary and common person.
visit: Kartik Chauhan VLOG
Some of the mental illnesses my son is going through include seizures, “Autism” and “Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder”. I can say how much I must be regretting that if awareness had been spread about these diseases properly or I would have known about it myself, I would have got my son treated in time. I do not know who should I blame in this, the governments, our poverty, illiteracy or social and economic conditions.
My son suffering from attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder is about to turn 19 today but, in terms of mindset and knowledge or education, what is called in English IQ, that is, something similar to the measure of knowledge, is this the time is not even equal to the children of only nine to ten years of age. Even he is not fully developed in sight and at this time he seems to be about 13 to 14 years of age physically. Because of mental illnesses such as Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), he cannot communicate properly with children between the ages of 19 and 13 to 14 years of age Nor can play with them. He has a lot of desire to do something new, but, the ability to do it is negligible, so he often gets embarrassed and steals his eyes.
Through this article, here I want to tell all those parents that please do not try to hide any such mental diseases of their children, nor deprive them of timely treatment. If you are financially capable then you can get it treated by any good and private doctor but, if you are not able then you have to depend on government hospitals for this. However, getting treatment for diseases like Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) in government hospitals means that you are neither at home nor in the ghat. Government hospitals have long lines, with hundreds of patients neither We are not able to explain the doctor properly and neither doctor could give us enough time to explain our point of view. Something similar is happening with us too.
At first I visited many government hospitals, NGOs, charitable institutions for the treatment of my son’s seizures, but, they use less and more. After getting tired, I made up my mind to get treatment in a big, private and reputed hospital in Delhi. The hospital got a huge amount kept in the very first visit and assured that his doctor would solve it in three to four visits. We were happy because we had assumed that this is also a common disease which will go away easily. But, during about three to four visits, those doctors neither got any treatment nor gave any medicine etc.
The famous doctor of that famous hospital kept asking us some questions and answers every time, and in the end when we deposited more money than our capacity and showed him the receipt, he also gave us Seizures, Autism, Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) Made a report of mental illnesses and handed it over. Surprised to see that report, where is the treatment that we had gone to him with the hope of. On asking it came to know that they have prepared only a report, on the basis of which you can go anywhere else and get this child treated. Even after this I did not lose heart and contacted another good and reputed doctor of Delhi. Went to his clinic, he also gave hope. But, the treatment of those doctors and the medicines given by them were proving to be so expensive that I had to repent only after three to four months.
However, let me also tell here that despite having visited many such expensive hospitals, clinics and doctors in a city like Delhi with my son, my son’s Seizures, Autism, Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder from the early stages. (ADHD) was being treated by a doctor who was not far away from our place of residence. The same treatment continues today and will probably continue in the future. But in the midst of this, I did not know how many other doctors to know about this disease and I would have consulted many other people, but, there was no satisfaction anywhere, while during this time I treated my child. For this, from the initial stage till now, about 12 to 13 lakh rupees would have been spent, but even today it remains as it is.
However, it is true that from the very early stage, I had started the treatment of my son with the doctor Anil Jain ji (currently Dr. Anil Jain ji has passed away) for the treatment of seizures. Neither disappointed much nor looted much. But, let me tell you nonetheless, this treatment of Seizures, Autism, Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is much more expensive than a common disease, no matter what city or town it is happening in. But Dr. Anil Jain had told so much that there is no permanent treatment for this type of mental illness. Regarding ADHD, he also said that it is possible that by the time you reach adolescence, its symptoms may be reduced or almost eliminated. Although he did not say anything specific about “autism”, but today it seems that it has become a common thing, not a disease.
It will be my endeavor that I try to write something on this blog http://dharmwani.com/ about other such problems being faced by my son regarding some of these mental diseases, so that other parents Can also learn or benefit from it.
– Ajay Singh Chauhan