Almost every true Hindu talks about Hindu Rashtra, but is any effort being made in this direction or is it all windy talk? If any person or any organization is working on this subject, then who are they, to what level they are working, how much risk they are taking, what they have done so far, with whom- Who is standing, who is against them? How many people are they getting support from? Are there any political parties also working for Hindu Rashtra? Are any saints-mahatmas, social workers also participating in this? Organization like RSS (RSS) which Hindus trust the most today, is doing anything for the Hindu nation or is it limited to power only? Those who are fighting for the existence of Hindus in this struggle on their own for Hindu Rashtra, are they getting financial support or are they fighting this battle with their own money? Is the current constitution and laws of India with them or against them?
On searching the answers to all these questions, I found many types of answers, but in the main answer I found, I am surprised that about 60 to 65 percent of the common Hindus are not aware at all that this is also the case. something is happening. Apart from this, the remaining 35 to 40 percent of those common Hindus have information but not enough that they can argue with anyone on this subject.
First of all, let me tell you that efforts are really going on for Hindu Rashtra and next year i.e. in 2023, the Magh Mela, which is going to be organized on the banks of Maa Ganga in Prayagraj, is going to be organized in which 32 pages of Hindu Sansad. The draft of the nation’s constitution will be presented. In its first draft of the Constitution of the Hindu Rashtra, it has been told about law, order, education, defence, voting system, rights of the head of the states, administrative system etc.
According to this draft of the Constitution of the Hindu Rashtra, Varanasi will be primarily replaced by New Delhi as the capital of the country, for this it has also been proposed to build a ‘Dharma Sansad’ in Kashi i.e. Varanasi. There is also a proposal that Muslims and Christians will not be given the right to vote in this. In addition, every citizen would be given compulsory military training and agriculture would be made completely tax free.
How did it come into effect? –
In fact, in February 2022, a resolution was passed to make India a ‘Hindu Rashtra’ in the Parliament of Religions held in Prayagraj and the idea of a Hindutva constitution came to the fore.
The draft that has been prepared to make India a ‘Hindu Rashtra’ has been prepared after a very large and after-thought-out panel of some special people of the country. That is, thirty eminent personalities from different fields have contributed in preparing this draft. Then somewhere the draft of this constitution has been prepared.
Swami Anand Swarup, the patron of the committee, Shambhavi Peethadheeshwar and the chairman of the Shankaracharya council are among those named in the preparation of the Constitution of the Hindu Rashtra. This includes Kameshwar Upadhyay, President, Supreme Court senior advocate BN Reddy, Defense expert Anand Vardhan, Sanatan Dharma scholar Chandramani Mishra, Dr. Vidya Sagar etc. It can be said about these names that this is not a joke but work is being done on a very large scale.
Swami Anand Swarup, the patron of the committee, Shambhavi Peethadheeshwar and the chairman of the Shankaracharya council are among those named in the preparation of the Constitution of the Hindu Rashtra. This includes Kameshwar Upadhyay, President, Supreme Court senior advocate BN Reddy, Defense expert Anand Vardhan, Sanatan Dharma scholar Chandramani Mishra, Dr. Vidya Sagar etc. It can be said about these names that this is not a joke but work is being done on a very large scale.
What is on the cover page of the Constitution of the Hindu Rashtra? –
Talk about the cover page of the Constitution of the Hindu Rashtra, first of all, the map of the proposed ‘Akhand Bharat’ is shown. Through this map of ‘Akhand Bharat’, an attempt has been made to show that the countries which have been separated from India can be merged in future. Apart from this, saffron flag is also shown on the cover page of some temples.
Also the inside pages have pictures and images of gods and goddesses and some of the great personalities of India, including Maa Durga, Lord Rama, Lord Krishna, Gautam Buddha, Guru Gobind Singh, Adi Shankaracharya, Chanakya, Veer Savarkar, Rani Laxmibai, Prithviraj Chauhan, Swami Vivekananda etc. The biggest thing in this is that the historical figures of Sanatan like Veer Savarkar, Rani Laxmibai, Prithviraj Chauhan have also been given prominence, which is not only the demand of today’s time but also the main ideals of the youth of today’s Hindu community.
Constitution of Hindu Rashtra will be of 750 pages –
According to Swami Anand Swaroopaswamy, the patron of the committee that prepared the Constitution of the Hindu Rashtra, the Constitution of the Hindu Rashtra may be about 750 pages, while its draft will now be widely discussed.
There will be special discussion and debate with religious scholars and experts from different fields. On this basis, half of the constitution (about 300 pages) will be released in next year’s Magh Mela i.e. 2023 in Prayagraj, for which special Dharma Sansad will be organized.
Swami Anand Swarup, the patron of the committee that drafted the Constitution of the Hindu Rashtra, while talking about some of the features, told the media that it would be an executive system in which Hindus, Sikhs, Buddhists, Jains and all tribals would have full right to exercise their franchise. You will get the right People of every caste living in Hindu Rashtra will have convenience and security.
According to the members of the committee, the cabinet of Hindu Rashtra will be prepared like the cabinet of Chandragupta Maurya, in which there will be new arrangements for security, education, political system, medical system, employment etc.
In the draft of the Constitution of the Hindu Rashtra prepared by this Parliament of Religions, it is being told that after completing the age of 16, the youth will be given the right to vote, while the age of contesting elections has also been fixed at 25 years. Is. Muslims and Christians will not be given the right to vote, but will get the rights of all other common citizens.
Altogether 543 members will be elected to the Parliament of Religions. In this, mainly all the rules and justice system of the British era will be abolished and in its place the system of punishment and justice will be established on the basis of Treta and Dwapar Yuga. Everything will be decided to be run on the basis of Varna system. In the education system, mainly by re-introducing the Gurukul system, education in Ayurveda, Mathematics, Nakshatra, Bhugarbha, Astrology, etc. will be introduced.
Mahamandaleshwar Annapurna Bharti, one of the prominent figures who raised their voice for Hindu Rashtra, says that the fight against Islamic Jihad will be intensified. We know that big conspiracies are being hatched not only in India but international level to stop us, but still our campaign will not stop. We will fight till our last breath to create a Hindu Rashtra and end Islamic Jihad. Muslims will be given the opportunity to return home with dignity, and the campaign to free all monasteries and temples from government takeover will be launched rapidly.
The members of the committee that drafted the Constitution of the Hindu Rashtra have expressed apprehension that at this time all the political parties including RSS and BJP are irritating them and are trying to harass these members in any way with the help of price, price, punishment, difference. and may try to harass. Whereas these parties including Sangh have already abolished all Hindu organizations and their powers like Bajrang Dal, Hindu Yuva Vahini, Shri Ram Sena, Go-Rakshak Dal and Vishwa Hindu Parishad.
There is also a apprehension that Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath may form a separate party under this draft of Hindu Rashtra with some special people who can contest the Lok Sabha elections in 2024 or 2029 and get power. After that Hindus can take steps for Rashtra.
In fact, the BJP-ruled present central government and all the big officials, including its head, have made such statements many times including anti-Hindu agenda and activities, after which Yogi Adityanath may need to consider this matter. Sangh is also ruling the country through BJP by taking the votes of Hindus on the basis of its anti-Hindu agenda and secularism and making them foolish and is distributing free ravadis to secularism.
Although Yogi Adityanath himself is the Chief Minister from BJP at this time, but his voters know that he has voted for Yogi Adityanath, not BJP. The voters of Yogi Adityanath also know that they have become sannyasis not for politics but to save Sanatan Dharma. In such a situation, only a politician Yogi can fulfill the dream of Hindu Rashtra of all Hindus.
Apart from Yogi Adityanath, those who can be trusted include the father-son duo of Harishankar Jain and Vishnu Jain in the Gyanvapi-Shringar Gauri case. Because Harishankar Jain and Vishnu Jain were defending the Hindu side in the Gyanvapi-Sringar Gauri case, but suddenly due to a conspiracy or pressure from someone, Jitendra Singh Bisen, the president of “Vishva Vaidik Sanatan Sangh”, the organization seeking legal help, advocated Harishankar Jain. And removed his son Vishnu Jain from the prosecution of this case and completely weakened this case.
Even though the name of the organization is “Vishva Vedic Sanatan Sangh”, but if this case has been deliberately weakened by removing Harishankar Jain, Vishnu Jain in the Gyanvapi-Sringar Gauri case, then it can be called a conspiracy. In such a situation, it is also clear here that “Vishva Vedic Sanatan Sangh” also wants to fool Hindus in the future like other parties and Sangh.
There are also some other similar reasons, due to which speculations can be made that Yogi Adityanath can form a separate political party with some special people which is completely Hindutva and in 2024 or 2029 for Hindu Rashtra. Can contest elections directly.
Hindus should also know here that there were a total of five women litigants in the Gyanvapi Shringar Gauri case. While father-son Harishankar Jain and Vishnu Jain were fighting this case for them, but one of the plaintiffs, Rekha Singh, niece of Jitendra Singh Bisen of “Vishva Vaidik Sanatan Sangh”, also withdrew from this lobby under a conspiracy. has decided. But even after this, Harishankar Jain and Vishnu Jain, on behalf of the remaining four women, have decided to defend this case on their own, so that Hindus can win this case.
These are the same Harishankar Jain and Vishnu Jain father and son who have filed about 100 such cases in different courts of the country which are in favor of Hindus. While all the political parties of the country are uniting against him for this matter, not only opposing him but also conspiring against him.
Ajay Singh Chauhan